Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Happy Birthday!

Today was my birthday, and one of the best ones in recent memory. Though it has included more than 7 hours worth of college physics, I have had a tremendous and blessed day.

I woke up. I spent some time reading my Bible, then I took a shower and spoiled myself with a hot breakfast. I decided to bring brownies for my lab classmates (a good decision by all means), but packaging them landed me in class 10 minutes late. Oops... On the commute to class I received a birthday phone call from my dad. A pleasant early morning surprise. "23 huh? Let's see, on my 23rd birthday I was chasing you around our apartment!" :)

In any case, it was a standard lecture. Three hours of momentum, impulse, and energy featuring my Lebanese professor blitzing through slides and occasionally cracking the terrible, yet seemingly obligatory, physics joke.

Post lecture I met up with a friend and a couple other folks for lunch before lab. A delightful combo of company and cucumber sauce. :)

My gyro was followed by more physics. Today's lab reminded me that physics is "PHun" as I found myself playing with a spring loaded catapult and surrounded by the euphoric brownie induced sugar rush of my classmates. We then took a quiz...

I aced that quiz. I mean, I really knocked it out of the park. Without a doubt in my mind, I walked out of the room knowing that I had answered every question right. That's a feeling that I haven't had in a LOOOOONNNNGGGG time. (I checked the grade online a few hours later just to be sure)

I made my half hour commute back from DeKalb singing at the top of my lungs in my car. Less than an hour later I picked up my dad from the Aurora Metra station and we met up my mom for dinner at "The Turf Room." Let me just say goat cheese cheesecake is a culinary wonder. My sugar deprived palate was very pleased, not to mention it was great to spend time with my parents.

My day wrapped up with some light physics homework, a conference call with a couple of my cousins, and a friend dropping by to simply say "happy birthday."

It's truly been a great day. And now I crash.

1 comment:

  1. Sam! I'm sorry I didn't know it was your birthday yesterday! Happy Sincere Belated Birthday Wishes! Glad everything's going well - keep up the hard work!
